Mortgage Resoures
Check Your Credit Score & Recommended Lenders
Lenders to Consider
Learn more about your Credit Score and talk terms for making a home purchase - with Twin Cities Lenders - recommended by Laura Lee Berger, Twin Cities’ Trusted Adviser and Realtor.
Ryan L. Mouw | MinnTrust Mortgage, LLC
(612) 840-0294
Dorie Gilbert | WinTrust Mortgage
(952) 908-9404
Diane Wallenta | Guaranteed Rate Affinity
(612) 875-7414
Craig Lind | Deerwood Bank
(612) 634-6277
Mark Gregg | Old National Mortgage
(612) 990-2796
Emily Wismer | Crosscountry Mortgage, Inc.
(952) 994-6436
Ryan L. Mouw | MinnTrust Mortgage, LLC
(612) 840-0294
Drew McKinney | Round Bank
(651) 262-3065
Lender Terms
Down Payments
0 to 20% of the purchase price depending on your qualifications and your loan choice
Earnest Money Deposit
The money put down when a contract is written - it usually goes into an escrow account. Usually 1% of sale price
Lender Fees
Includes charges for loan processing, underwriting and preparation
Third-party Fees
Includes charges for insurance, title insurance, title search, appraisal fees and other inspections
Government Fees
Includes deed recording and state mortgage taxes
Escrow & Interest Fees
Include homeowner's insurance, loan interest, real estate taxes, home warranties and prepaid interest
Property Taxes
Capital tax based on the estimated value of the property
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